Voluntary Carbon Offsetting
Reducing GHG emissions is vital to your climate action plan, but these strategies are long term and it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate emissions. Carbon offsetting is the way to compensate for your carbon emissions immediately.
Clean Atmos offers carbon credits from carbon reduction and removal projects which are carefully selected to ensure it meets highest carbon offset standards and are third party verified. When you purchase these credits, you take immediate action on your direct and indirect GHG emissions, by supporting these projects.
Carbon Offsets
Meet immediate carbon reduction targets
Addresses Scope 1 & 3 Emissions
Achieve Net Zero Emissions
Forestry and Wetland Conservation
Increase tree plantation and improve forest management which increases carbon stored within trees and soil also helping communities and wildlife.
Renewable Energy
Generation of electricity using solar, wind or hydro reducing carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel generated.
Landfill Gas Capture
Capture and convert methane gas from garbage on landfills to power by burning it in generators.
Farm Power
Convert animal waste on farms to power by using anaerobic digester. This also reduces pollution and generates organic fertilizers.
Manufacturing process changes which reduce carbon emissions
Clean Atmos Project Criteria
We at Clean Atmos screen and select the projects based on various criteria. Listed below are main criteria that our projects meet.
Methods to evaluate emission reductions from the project are rigorous and conservative which meet offset standards
Emission reductions and methods are assured by qualified third party review to confirm offsets are genuine
Carbon credits are issued, tracked and retired on a third party public registry​
Projects we finance would not have been achieved without the funding from carbon credit sales
Sustainable Development Goals
Projects also offer additional SDGs as defined by UN having environmental and social benefits
Social Benefits
Our projects not only help to reduce emissions but also have immediate benefits for our community.
Tree Plantations
Trees improve quality of life, air and feel. Greener cities are better cities.
Less Waste
All garbage from landfill and farms is put to good use and prevent pollution
Local Jobs
These projects generate local jobs and employ people helping to empower them
Cleaner Air
All these projects help clean the air you breathe which improves health
Carbon Offset Standards
Carbon credits we offer are validated and registered on international standards such as Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Climate Action Reserve or American Carbon Registry. Every credit you invest guarantees measurable, permanent, and immediate impact on the environment.